Chapter 4 "Reading the Language of Music"

The Call

Watercolor Cover Illustration:  Ralph Schwartz

What "Reading the Language of Music" can do for you!

  • Build your “vocabulary” in the language of music with the wealth of music reading material in this chapter.
  • Develop your playing potential with 24 flowing major scale patterns inspired by H. L. Clarke’s Technical Studies.
  • Increase your ability to read flowing scale patterns within a modal expression.
  • Reduce hesitancy in reading and blowing as key signatures are solely represented by accidentals.
  • Become fluent in these 24 patterns and they will enable you to read most flowing music with ease.
  • “Articulation de jour” includes suggestions as well as encouragement to develop your own tonguing and slurring options.

More about "Reading the Language of Music"

Flowing Scale Patterns #1-24

  • Chapter 4 contains 328 pages of flowing major scale patterns that are presented in all keys. 
  • Most patterns span 1-2 octaves and include the bugle concept of applying power (blowing faster) to ascend and relax (blow slower) to descend.
  • Within each Flowing Scale Pattern, there are typically 15 exercises that modulate by ascending half-steps.
  • Patterns 1-6 begin with a small range of notes and expand to the range of a scale.  Phrases are ascending and descending in turning phrases.
  • Patterns 7-9 extend a few notes beyond the scale. This section begins with shorter patterns and culminates with longer and more challenging breath control patterns.
  • Patterns 10-12 expand the range to two octaves and longer phrasing.
  • Patterns 13-18 add rhythmic variety to the two octave + exercises.  All begin with ascending lines and include descending lines.
  • Pattern 19 is similar to Pattern 17, but begins with descending lines.
  • Patterns 20-24 present the culmination of the previous studies by applying patterns 1-19 within the exercises.

Sample Pages

Chapter 4

"Reading the Language of Music"

Flowing Major Scales # 1-24